Liens on your credit report can significantly impact your credit score and financial opportunities. Learn how to address and potentially remove these liens with expert guidance from The Credit Pros.
A lien is a legal claim against your property that serves as security for a debt. There are two main types of liens that can appear on your credit report:
Filed by government agencies for unpaid taxes. As of 2018, most tax liens no longer appear on credit reports, but some older liens may still be present.
Result from lawsuits where a creditor wins a judgment against you. These can significantly impact your credit score and remain on your report for up to 7 years.
Video courtesy of Credit Card Insider - Learn more about removing tax liens from your credit report
Removing liens from your credit report can be a complex process. The Credit Pros, with our A+ BBB rating and years of experience, can assist you in navigating this challenge. Our experts can:
"The Credit Pros helped me remove an old tax lien from my credit report that I didn't even know was there. My credit score jumped by 85 points!" - Sarah T., Verified Client
Don't let liens hold back your financial future. Whether you're dealing with tax liens, judgment liens, or other credit issues, The Credit Pros are here to help.
For more information on credit repair and your rights, visit the Federal Trade Commission's credit page